Fintech Website Migration Project

make a blog.

We were approached by a fintech company based in Scotland to migrate an existing site from Webflow to Wordpress and were happy to take on the challenge.

We worked with a fintech company based in Edinborough, Scotland. The requirement was to migrate the existing website, content and design from Webflow to Wordpress. The site was built with a mobile-first approach and is fully responsive. The site is also optimised for speed and performance. We hosted it on Cloudways and set up a CDN to ensure fast load times. This was important as the company wanted to provide a fast and efficient service to their customers.

Our work included:

  • Custom WordPress Development
  • Migration from Webflow to Oxygen
  • Animation Development
  • Hosting and Maintenance
  • Training
  • Video Tutorial
  • Speed Optimisation
  • CDN Setup

Migrating from Webflow to Wordpress

I was contacted by a fintech company to help them move their site from Webflow to Wordpress. They wanted to keep the same look and feel of the site but have the ability to add more functionality and features

I used Oxygen Builder to build the site as it would allow us to build custom elements that the team could then drop into place on any page. This would give them the flexibility to add new features and functionality as they needed.

They wanted to continue managing the website themselves, so I provided them with a training session on how to use Oxygen Builder and Wordpress. I also provided them with a video tutorial on how to update the site.

The site was built with a mobile-first approach and is fully responsive. The site is also optimised for speed and performance. We hosted it on Cloudways and set up a CDN to ensure fast load times. This was important as teh client wanted to provide a fast and efficient service to their customers.

Technologies Used

  • Oxygen Builder - At the time of production, Oxygen Builder was the best tool for the job. It allowed us to build custom elements that the team could drop into place on any page. It also outputs very clean code with no extra divs or classes.
  • Lottie Animation The animations already existed but I had to convert them to Lottie files which were compatible with Oxygen so they could be used on the site. It wasn’t a simple process but I was able to get them working.
  • Wordpress - The site was built on Wordpress as requested by the client. A fine choice indeed!
  • Cloudways - We hosted the site on Cloudways. Although it is expensive, it provides a fantastic control panel which help you to manage your server with ease. Again, at the time of production, it was the best tool for the job. These days I prefer using 20i due to the much higher level of support I receive from the team.

Build Time

The site took around 3 months to build. This included the design phase, development phase and testing phase. The client was very happy with the final result and was a pleasure to work with.

The client has since then changed the design again using their own internal developers. We were always aware they this would be a temporary build and that they would eventually move to a more custom solution. We were happy to help them get to that point.